Malarazza Edit
I've been getting really into virtue signaling recently, you know, wearing keffiyahs even though I'm inside and my neck is sweating, that sort of thing. I've also become obsessed with Malarazza by Domenico Modugno (though it's originally a Sicilian folk song, he just covered it):
The song tells the story of a servant who goes up to Jesus who's crucified in a town square somewhere (I imagine it really is Jesus, and not some statue that the servant is imagining can talk to him) and tells him: "Bro, my master treats me like a dog, beating me up in the street and shit. Strike this fucker down Jesus, pretty please, do it for me <3". To which Jesus replies: "Say what, do your arms not work? Ain't no one gonna help you, if you want justice you're gonna have to take matters into your own hands! If I had done that I wouldn't be up here on this cross like an idiot." The chorus is Jesus singing: "You're complaining, but why are you complaining? Pick up a stick and bare your teeth!" The message really resonates with my anti-institutional attitude: we can't rely on institutions to do good anymore (if they were ever trustworthy to begin with), we need to build up our own power and take matters into our own hands.
Anyway, so I thought, "What better way to virtue signal than to make a lazy UK hardcore edit of this militant banger?" And so I promptly did. Enjoy 💚